It was a clear, starry night in the hills outside Bethlehem. As they guarded their sheep, the shepherds were talking about a bright new star. They were surprised and a little bit scared when an angel appeared in the sky.
The angel said, "Don't be afraid. I have great news to tell you! Tonight a very special baby has been born in Bethlehem! He is the Saviour, Christ, the Lord! You will find him with his parents. They are spending the night in a stable."
A choir of angels began to sing "Glory to God in the Highest! Peace on Earth, Good Will toward all people!"
The shepherds remembered the ancient prophecies about a Messiah that would come to earth. They were excited that they had been chosen to find out the prophecies were coming true in such a wonderful way. They went to Bethlehem and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby Jesus lying in a manger, just as the angel had told them.
The shepherds told everyone they met about the amazing night when the angels sang for them, and about the newborn Baby Jesus.